New Consulting Groups at Intrepid Ascent

I am pleased to announce that Intrepid Ascent has reorganized our consulting teams into three groups: Technology StrategyPolicy Innovation, and Community Change. Our services will continue to be delivered by interdisciplinary teams, with resources drawn from each of these areas, but with one group at the forefront depending upon the challenge at hand. 

Defining our areas of focus in this manner provides three perspectives on the interconnected issues our clients face today as they integrate services across sectors to address social determinants of health and advance health equity. This definition also reflects the evolution of our focus over the past five years from health information exchange to broader community collaboration and the data infrastructure required to support it. Together, our groups provide clients with a commitment to understanding their technology needs and opportunities, navigating complex policy landscapes, and putting people at the center of change.

Please read more about each of our groups here. Our group leads and I would love to hear from you with any ideas for how we might support you in driving positive impact.
